Apiguard Mite Control – sold individually

A slow release thymol gel.

A natural treatment with efficacy rates ranged from 85% to 95% and an overall average of 93% even after thousands of treatments. Ease of use: 2 x 50 gm treatment trays per hive, with an interval of 14 days, in summer just after the honey flow.


We can only ship to the United States where it is registered and approved.






A slow release thymol gel. A natural treatment with efficacy rates ranged from 85% to 95% and an overall average of 93% even after thousands of treatments. Ease of use: 2 x 50 gm treatment trays per hive, with an interval of 14 days, in summer just after the honey flow.   We can only ship to the United States where it is registered and approved.